Saturday, December 29, 2007

Saturday, December 15, 2007

An amazing 10 months

We can hardly believe how fast the last 10 months have flown by. Ellie is just incredible and tons of fun. She's started crawling, taking steps, has her first tooth, got her first major cold (bronchiolitis), met Santa, went swimming, celebrated her first Bradicca and she's done it all with a smile on her face.

Please enjoy this month's photos.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

The First Tooth

Somehow I thought it would be more...exciting? no...eventful? maybe. Night before last I felt in Ellie's mouth - nope - the bump went down, no tooth. Last night, didn't think to check. Today at Grandma's the tooth popped out, you can barely see it, but you can feel the sharp little thing. No wailing, no crying, no excessive chewing or drooling. Just a single, little, sharp tooth. And one great big smile to go along with it.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Bradicca Blowout 2007

It's been a wonderful Bradicca season, thanks to all of you! I sincerely want to thank everybody for coming out to Bradicca '07 I can't thank you all enough for making this Bradicca the best ever! It was an amazing time, with much mirth and merriment to be had by all. View the additional pics from Jenny and Pat.

Some people didn't get to attend the Bradicca festivities this year, and some of you this was your very first Bradicca experience, so you may not have the low down on the first Bradicca.

Many, many years ago in the Old Country, there was a young man. By all accounts he was very happy and terribly good looking. Everybody liked him because he was very nice. He constantly tried to tell his friends how much he loved them, but there were so many people to talk to, that he would forget who he had told!

He would just walk up to his friends and say "I love you!" That usually worked, and most of his friends would be happy, but sometimes, he would accidently forget to tell someone how much he loved them, and they would be very sad.

Before long, Brad (that was his name), had SOOOOO MANY friends, that just telling his friends how much he loved them took all of his time. He didn't have enough time to do his work, or study for his classes. He certainly didn't have enough time to tell everybody how much they meant to him. He needed to find a solution!

He noticed that certain groups of his friends would take him out to a nice dinner and give him gifts, and ply him with the finest meats and liquors in the land. Nothing made Brad happier than to be plied with fine meats and liquors, especially Sangria, a delicious concoction of wine and fruit juices. Perhaps that was the solution!

Brad would gather all of his friends together into one place, at one specific time! He would make sure to hug everybody, and tell them that he loved them very much, and that their friendship makes life worth living. He wanted his friends to be friends to each other, and that in a perfect world everybody would love everybody else like he loved them!

Everybody loves everybody else, and drinks sangria with Brad! The idea was so simple, and elegant that Brad wanted to put that plan into motion immediately! Bradicca was born that very year.

He invited all of his friends (not everybody could make it, but that's ok, Brad didn't mind, people get busy), but those who did make it were fed Mexican food and swam in LITERS of excellent Sangria. He made sure to tell everybody how much he loved them. It was so successful in fact, that Brad decided that every year, during the week of his birth, he would do it again!

So that's the story of how Bradicca came about.

I love you all very much, your friendship is what makes my life worth living. I have Janet and Eleanor and a tremendous number of genuine friends who keep me sane and tremendously happy. Bradicca is my tool to make sure that there's at least one day that I have my friends together so that I can tell you all the same thing:

I love you. Thanks for being there for me.


Friday, November 16, 2007

9 Months Old

Ellie is growing very quickly and it's amazing how many of her "old" clothes don't fit. Old meaning sizes 3-9 months. We're getting ready to go to the coast for the night to celebrate our 5 year wedding anniversary and Ellie's 9 month birthday. Looks like we might encounter some "weather". Enjoy the pictures over the last month - including the much awaited Halloween pics.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

She's Crawling

Last night Brad put Ellie on the floor. This time, instead of rolling over on her back, moving around backwards in a circle, or crying to be picked up, she achieved forward motion. That's right she crawled. Apparently the motivation of getting to Oliver's (dirty) tennis ball before he could was impetus enough. Poor Oliver, he just doesn't have any idea what he's up against. His little wet nose was bent out of joint before we started cheering Ellie on for crawling to and grabbing his tennis ball.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

8 Months Old!

I'm just a few minutes past Ellie's 8 month birthday - also Auntie Lisa's multi-year Birthday. I've been getting some requests for new pics. Our 8th month ended with a fabulous day for a trip to Kruger Farms on Sauvie Island with our friends Jenny and Pat. We also graduated Ellie to a larger car seat - she was looking scrunched in her infant seat, and in her new seat she looks like my baby again, at least for a little while longer. She's growing so fast.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Best Dentist in Portland

If you're looking for a great dentist in Downtown Portland - have I got one for you. Dr. Kang at Green Apple Dental. This is not your ordinary every day dentist. On my first visit I got a complimentary spa parafin hand treatment, my choice of ipod tunes, was a treat!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Lucky Seven

Ellie just turned seven months old. Wow, seven months! Where does the time go? I added the remainder of her seven month photos to the album, so go take a look when you get a chance. We had more firsts - first picnic, first watermelon, first time in high chair, first trip to the zoo, first time meeting a great great great relative, first Gross family reunion.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

A day of remembrance, a day of fun

Two years ago today, 9/11/05, was the last day Ellie's Grandma Verna graced this earth. Ellie will never know her Grandma Verna in person, but she will in spirit. That's what today was about. Mommy and Ellie slept in, went to mom's group, went to a mommy matinee, then Papa joined in for our first family trip to the zoo. The night ended with Papa reading Peter Pan, then telling Ellie and Mommy a beautiful, yet funny, story of Grandma Verna. A few tears were shed today, but much love was shared. I miss my mom very much, I hope that Ellie and I will grow as close as my mom and I were. To have shared this day with her was very special and I treasure it deeply.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Photo updates...finally

After many requests, Ellie's mom finally found time to get the pics uploaded - so here is Month 6 and the beginning of Month 7. What a treat! Ellie has started eating cereal, has gotten to pet her first horse, made another visit to the family in Hermiston, attended several bbq parties, and is having an altogether great first summer. Enjoy!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Happy Half-Birthday Ellie!

Ellie turned 6 months old today!

Saturday, August 4, 2007

I don't have to cook...

I hardly cook at all right now. I'm loving it. We had our new patio poured and Brad finally got his Father's Day gift of a shiny new Natural Gas BBQ and is actually using it. He even went out and got himself a grilling cookbook. And after a long fought week at work we went to a friend's for a BBQ last night, another friends for Cajunfest tonight and tomorrow a trip to the in-laws for Christmas in August. I'm hoping next week Brad will try out the Rotisserie feature. Mmmmm...grilled meat. Give us a ring if you want to pop in for dinner sometime, maybe that will be the incentive I need to fold our mountains of laundry. :) Oh yeah, and ignore the fact that I haven't had an opportunity for yard work for 2 summers now.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Way to go Brad!

That's a picture of Brad doing homework while holding Ellie during his summer term. The first term of school in his life that he got a 4.0! That's right BRAD GOT A 4.0! We are extremely proud of him and it's worth the sacrifice. It just goes to show how you can excel when you are doing what you are meant to. If you get a chance, drop Brad a note or give a phone call with a "For he's a jolly good fellow" tune.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Ellie's 5 Month Birthday

Today is July 15th, and Ellie is 5 Months old and 14 pounds. Very hard for her parents to believe. This month has been a busy one and ended by celebrating her friend Cole's 1st Birthday. Other things that happened this month - BBQ at Kimmy's, Walking at Oaks Bottom Wildlife Refuge, numerous trips to the doctor for weight checks, 4th of July party at O'ree and Maria's, and lots of other things not caught on film - or digital media. Enjoy these photos!

Friday, July 6, 2007

How do you spell relief?

Thirteen pounds and nine ounces! That's relief to the Wright family. Ellie has gained 11 ounces in the last 10 days. With a gain of an ounce a day, she's finally back on track to what a baby should be at. She's still on the thin side, but with no blood, diarrhea, and now gaining weight, we are all good! Despite the fact that mommy is caught like a deer in headlights with work and papa is somewhere under a pile of education journal articles, Ellie is thriving once again. Happy days are here again.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Back to work

Janet is heading back to work tomorrow. The last 18 weeks have flown by. It would be easier to go back, if we knew that Ellie's medical issues were resolved. Who am I kidding, I want to be home with her. I like my job, I like my co-workers and my company, but I love my little girl more than I could ever imagine. It won't be the same being without her all day. At least her first two days without Mommy at home will be with Papa at home. Then starting Monday Ellie will get to spend some quality time with Grandma and Grandpa Wright while Mommy is at work and Papa is back to school. Wish us all luck!

Friday, June 15, 2007

Happy 4 Month Birthday Ellie!

Wow! Eleanor Kay Wright turned 4 months old today and what a day it was. Long story but we're spending Father's Day weekend in Depoe Bay - just the three of us, no dogs allowed! So I'm using the resort computer and can't download the month 4 pics. Those will have to come on Monday or Tuesday, but definitely by Wednesday as Janet returns to work on Thursday, only to have to turn around and take Ellie to the Dr. again on Friday - that's where the long story comes in, but I'm tired and want to just veg and relax for at least a few minutes that are left in today and relish in the fact that we have a 4 month old. Update: Pics now loaded, and include photos of Brad's cohort, Father's Day, Ellie in the ER, our trip to Depoe Bay, and others.

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Looking For Help

Many of you know we had a 2nd bathroom put in just before we had Ellie. That project caused our backyard to be torn up. We're now looking for a new solution to our patio or lack thereof. Any ideas for us, do it ourselves, hiring someone? We would like unique or non-traditional solutions that don't break the bank. Maybe you know someone who does concrete work? We'd also like a new driveway...maybe it would cost less to do it all at once. Send your suggestions!

Thursday, May 24, 2007

On to the House!

The Oregon House of Representatives that is (see April 5th).
On Tuesday, May 22, the Oregon Senate finally passed SB 571-B. This bill will make most workplaces smoke-free.
Click here to take action!

The bill had been stalled in the Senate for over 5 months and many of us worried that again the tobacco industry would win, but our legislative champions have come through putting the health of Oregon's citizens first. Now we are on the road to victory!

The bill has been amended, delaying when it will go into effect (January 2009) and exempting existing cigar bars and Portland Meadows. However, the overall spirit of the bill is intact and the legislation protects the vast majority of workers still exposed to secondhand smoke and its dangers. And that is good news.

Now it's on to the House!
We will definitely need your help urging Representatives to vote yes!
Please send an important message to your Representative. Tell them to move this bill quickly and to vote yes on SB 571-B.

Take Action Today.
Make Your Voice Heard.
Thank you!!

Sunday, May 20, 2007


We have finally found a weekend to just kick back and relax. That's right - even with a baby we've found the time. Janet found some time for some much needed yard work on Saturday and today is a rainy Sunday in Portland, OR. What a better day to snuggle and stay at home. Though it did put a minor kinks for a quick trip to the Milwaukie Farmer's Market, there's always next weekend. Though I've heard that Brad has a school project that will require the assistance of an artist...hmmm craft time for Janet?

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Three Months!

We can hardly believe this much time has passed. We are enjoying each other more every day as every day brings something new. View pictures taken during Ellie's third month of life.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Mother's Day

My first Mother's Day. Wow, is about all I can say. I almost thought I would never become a mom, and here I am with a beautiful baby girl. I thank the angels every day for blessing me with such an incredible gift. I am so lucky. Happy Mother's Day. Love, Janet

Friday, May 4, 2007

Catch up

Whew...what a busy few weeks. Lots of birthdays being celebrated. Janet had another birthday on the 24th of April, we went to Uncle Moustache's party on the 21st, and we're heading back to Hermiston this weekend to visit and celebrate Great Grandpa Willie's Birthday. No albums posted this week, we'll have to get that done next week when Ellie turns *gulp* 3 months old. We can't believe how big she is getting. We went to visit her new friend Aly this week who is one week old - the difference in size is unbelievable. Again, look for pictures next week. Cheers!

Monday, April 16, 2007

Professional Photos

We recently got to meet Katie Jervis, a photographer that had taken pictures of our friends Jen and Scott and their son Cole. We hired her to do photos of Ellie when she was almost 5 weeks old. You can check out some photos on Katie's blog for the date Monday, April 16, 2007, or link direct to Ellie's Slideshow of select photos with music or the full gallery.

Happy Easter and other things

Ellie's first two months of life rounded out by celebrating her first Easter holiday, with a visit to a GIGANTIC Easter Bunny, a trip to the Laurelwood Brewhouse in the Hollywood District of Portland, a stint in a Halloween get-up, and looking at the panoramic views of the Columbia River Gorge from Vista House. She's loving her baths and is starting to smile and blow bubbles. And a visit to the scary Dr's office on Friday the 13th told us she was 10 lbs. 13 oz. and she got four shots! We're all having lots of fun together.

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Help Support Oregon's Smoke-Free Workplace Bill

Ellie's late Grandma Verna

As most of you know - Janet's mom passed away from esophageal cancer in 2005 - before she had a chance to even know she would have a grandaughter - largely due to a life history of smoking and being around others that smoke. If you live in Oregon, please help get this bill passed. The following link will take you to the American Cancer Society Website that will send a letter to your State Representative based on your address.

Help Support Oregon's Smoke-Free Workplace Bill

Janet, Brad and Ellie

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Our "big" little girl!

Ellie and mommy went to a "snugglers" group on Tuesday and got to interact with other moms and babies. They had a scale there - so Ellie got her weigh-in. Drumroll please...Ellie now weighs 10 lbs. 5 oz. And, knock on wood, she has started sleeping better through the night.

Friday, March 30, 2007

First Trip to the Beach!

On Ellie's six week birthday - we packed up and headed to Cannon Beach for the afternoon. It was a fun trip and Ellie loved the salt air. As you can tell - as the weeks go on, there are fewer photos taken - we might wait until two months for the next album post. But Janet likes to post, so keep checking back for updates - and potentially more photos!

Friday, March 23, 2007

It's Official!

Brad's Student Teaching experience has been confirmed for Rex Putnam High School. He's very excited and relieved to have a school to go to on April 2nd.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

The more things change

"In a state of constant flux." That's going to be my new answer to "how are you?" Ellie is now 5 weeks old and constantly changing. Janet and Ellie attended their first Snugglers session and met some cool moms and babies. We found out today that Janet's Doctor - the one that delivered Ellie is now retiring at the end of June - what a bummer! At least we had a great Doctor when we needed her most. And Brad will stop working after March 26th and heads back to school on April 2nd. More than likely his student teaching experience will start out at Rex Putnam High School in the North Clackamas School District.

Baby You're a Star!

Eleanor likes the new play mat that we were given from our good friends Beth, Ron, Justin, and Conor. :) She was a star all weekend in Hermiston celebrating one full month of life with family and friends. We hope you will come visit soon if you haven't yet had the chance! If you can't visit, be sure to check out the new links under View Photos to the left for Week 4 and 5 pics.

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Monday, March 19, 2007

Ellie's Big Trip

Ellie went with mom and dad to Hermiston to celebrate her one month birthday! She met lots of family and friends during her trip, though the Hermiston Watermelon have a long way to go before they're ripe. Papa was sure to point out the trains and Multnomah Falls along the way. She met her Grandpa George for the first time too. It was a big trip for such a little girl! Be sure to check out the Week 4 pictures for photos of the adventure!

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Our family has grown by two feet!

"Princess Ellie"

Eleanor Kay
Born on February 15, 2007 at 7:27 a.m.
7 lbs 14 oz
21 in