Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Way to go Brad!

That's a picture of Brad doing homework while holding Ellie during his summer term. The first term of school in his life that he got a 4.0! That's right BRAD GOT A 4.0! We are extremely proud of him and it's worth the sacrifice. It just goes to show how you can excel when you are doing what you are meant to. If you get a chance, drop Brad a note or give a phone call with a "For he's a jolly good fellow" tune.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Ellie's 5 Month Birthday

Today is July 15th, and Ellie is 5 Months old and 14 pounds. Very hard for her parents to believe. This month has been a busy one and ended by celebrating her friend Cole's 1st Birthday. Other things that happened this month - BBQ at Kimmy's, Walking at Oaks Bottom Wildlife Refuge, numerous trips to the doctor for weight checks, 4th of July party at O'ree and Maria's, and lots of other things not caught on film - or digital media. Enjoy these photos!

Friday, July 6, 2007

How do you spell relief?

Thirteen pounds and nine ounces! That's relief to the Wright family. Ellie has gained 11 ounces in the last 10 days. With a gain of an ounce a day, she's finally back on track to what a baby should be at. She's still on the thin side, but with no blood, diarrhea, and now gaining weight, we are all good! Despite the fact that mommy is caught like a deer in headlights with work and papa is somewhere under a pile of education journal articles, Ellie is thriving once again. Happy days are here again.